An added value of T&P is that we combine our services for a more holistic approach. Crisis management needs? We link reputation management with legal services to counteract negative impact on your products, services and image.
Looking to profile an issue which is affecting your markets to get healthier regulatory conditions? This can be solved by joining government and media relations strategies. Or, the joint implementation of compliance standards and CSR capacities can help you pre-empt regulatory and reputational challenges in the future. We adapt our capacities to your needs.
Effective management is understanding how to put a team together, making sure it functions in a sound manner and guarantees effective output.
We follow your idea from its first steps until the product is introduced into the market by identifying and getting you public funds or into public-funded projects, as well as managing your project in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations of the awarding authority.
Events are usually key elements of a communications strategy, which could be used to profile issues, determine dialogue, or to demonstrate proximity to stakeholders.