Effective management is understanding how to put a team together, making sure it functions in a sound manner and guarantees effective output.

Effective association management also requires a diplomatic touch in balancing member interests to avoid the least common denominator in outcome. T&P provides 360°-association management services from building and leading your association to expanding its presence and policy output.

Building your association

Some associations prefer to be a network of members with a view of internal information exchange on best practices, national legal developments, etc. Others have at their heart bringing together similar interests to jointly amplify each other’s voice. Using this voice to harness opportunities or tackle challenges has been increasingly indispensable with political, legal and economic initiatives affecting industrial segments or common societal interests. T&P hosts expertise in building networks and associations in Brussels and other European capitals from their foundation, to renovating their already established structures and functionalities so as to adapt to constantly evolving internal and external factors.

We also have ample experience in successfully engaging new membership and advising on new membership structures to reflect an organisation’s need to amplify its voice, harness more budget, or diversify its strategy.

A strategically sound secretariat and board

Often correlated with the concept of association leadership, we believe it goes beyond providing direction; it is also about providing mechanisms that are fine-tuned to member needs and a diplomatic touch to balance differing interests. In essence, the question remains: Are member interests sufficiently and efficiently translated into the desired results?

With experience in running associations and corporate governance, T&P can:

  • Devise and implement a structural audit of your association to determine whether it works as efficiently as you would like it to; also using benchmarking analysis of other, similar organisations.
  • Advise on the structure of your organisation reflecting the requirements of the membership.
  • Provide and run all elements of the secretariat varying to the Managing Director or Secretary General to the Communications or Membership Officer, no matter if interim or long-term.
  • Furnish the necessary legal advice with regard to statutes/bylaws and requirements in competition law relevant to associations.
  • Organise all relevant Board, Working Group and General Assembly meetings.
  • Identify and manage necessary external resources with regard to for example, IT expertise and financial auditing.

External communications & relations

Associations are often built around the need to be heard. And, usually just sending out a position paper or organising an event is not sufficient. Indeed, stand-alone initiatives are often quickly forgotten, especially in “message jungles” such as Brussels. T&P can devise and implement a long-term, multi-level, timely and coherent communications strategy targeted to your desired audience.

Elements include:

  • Drafting your communication materials such as information booklets, position papers and press releases.
  • Building and engaging your network, no matter if EU decision-makers or media.
  • Harnessing motivation amongst the membership and external like-minded organisations to amplify your messages.
  • Organising events with the right stakeholders, no matter if in the European Parliament or online.
  • Building your website.
  • Developing visuals, including graphics and videos.
  • Podcasts.
  • Advising on and developing your social media presence.