Events are usually key elements of a communications strategy, which could be used to profile issues, determine dialogue, or to demonstrate proximity to stakeholders. T&P can take care of the pre-planning, execution and post-event echo. Be it closed-door roundtable dinners, online events, or sizeable conferences, we possess the knowledge to plan and run the events in a smooth and professional manner, keeping in mind your strategic priorities.

We have organised hybrid, physical or purely online events with speakers including Members of the European Parliament, European Commissioners, Secretaries of State, heads of NGOs and on-the-ground business operators who can tell their story best.

Our approach to organising events is based on the following pillars:

  • Delivering your messages within a constructive discourse.
  • Harnessing the attention of target audiences.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Mitigating the unforeseen.
  • Adapting to cultural sensitivities.

And, all in all making it a memorable experience for you, your speakers, and your audience. Your event after all, will provide that extra edge.

Pre-planning and execution

We take care of every detail in pre-planning and execution including the following activities:

  • Develop your programme, and advising on what speakers to invite.
  • Identify the platforms for physical, hybrid and online events, such as the European Parliament.
  • Select the right catering (it is more important than often thought).
  • Multi-channel marketing.
  • Develop press releases, tailored position papers and other communication materials.
  • Press engagement.
  • Coordinate with the speakers on logistics and speaking points.
  • Build your database of target attendees (in line with GDPR requirements).
  • Implement innovative digital tools to engage the audience.
  • Moderate the event.
  • Implement audio-visual tools, such as interpretation, filming and live-streaming.


With a view of echoing the positive results of your event and keeping the strategic momentum going, T&P will create and apply multi-channel communication tools, varying from social media, vlogs, to thank you letters for your key attendees.