Sebastian Lenders is the new intern at Time & Place Group, where he assists with Public Affairs consultancy and contributes to T&P’s development. Sebastian is from the Netherlands, where he obtained a Bachelor degree in History and a Master’s degree in Political Science, specializing in humanitarian aid and conflict studies. Sebastian grew up at an organic wine farm in Portugal, studied a semester in France and participated in a summer scholarship program in China involving company visits and a summer school at Peking University. This led to Sebastian’s first experience with consultancy, advising the Dutch Ministry of Education together with fellow honors students.
He also interned at a political foundation in Rio de Janeiro, after which he traveled South America for 6 months. Sebastian’s move to Brussels comes prepared as he interned at a Dutch news agency on EU news shortly before. Through his international experience Sebastian has practiced intercultural communication and learned English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, French and a bit of German – let’s hope he doesn’t mix them up!
In his free time, he likes to draw portraits, fiddle with his boutique furniture web-shop and to explore hidden speakeasy bars.